Friday, December 25, 2009
A Gift
haha i think it's time for me to reveal my blog's address.. i just think maybe someone want to leave something or read something from my blog.. i dont really sure whether this is a good decision or not but im already prepared for the worst.. here you go my dear visitors..
so hurin, you could add my link in this blog again when you have time.
okay then, that's all. ill meet up with you guys tomorrow at fauzan's house okay? hope it'll a happy day and all of us will have fun.. xDD
see ya..
until then..
Sunday, December 20, 2009
lets do this!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Silence really has a voice! (O.O)
Don't believe me?
Try this:
1. find a room
2. make sure you are all alone
3. close all windows, doors, ventilation shafts etc etc
4. switch off all electrical appliances in that room like air-conditioners, ceiling fans, radios etc etc (don't worry, this experiment will only take a while *devilish grin*)
All done?
Can you hear it now?
If you can't hear it well... It's nothing special though, but you can do this in case you are jobless (like me).
Haha bye for now! X)
Saturday, December 5, 2009
it has been a long time since my last post.. how are you guys doing? and how's the holiday? mine's filled with boredom. all i did was sleeping and gaming. haha i guess i didnt do much this holiday.
i wish i could go oversea .. to JAPAN of course! haha anyway, my mind now is thinking about the time where all of us had o'lvl in mind. i really miss those time. to be honest, i forgot how all of us became this close. *sigh* if only i could bring back the memories. all that i ever wish now is to bring back the 2008 but i know it's too impossible. the joy we had those days is irreplacable.
oh yeah! i heard that you guys are going to watch new moon this monday. i hope you guys will have fun. i really want to come but .....
naahh.. just forget it. alright then, ill stop here for a while.
happy holiday guys and good night my dear friends.
until then.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
a while...
Hey there!!! How are you all wonderful people~~???!!! x]
heh.. yer right, sunyi bh skalinya sunyi aaa~~ juz stopping by skajap~ sal kinda bz skit masa neh... walaupun abis peksa n cuti skulah~ ne forum th lagi g membomb~ yah, my job as a grapfic designer not so hard laa, p still, its one strict forum~!
neways, datang kmu on th 7th aa??? hmm... aku kn datang... p lyat la~ x] sorry aira~ aku tu kn msg you about the wayang thingy aaa~ p malangnya hapek ku nda bekedit~
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sunyii... Sepiii...
sunyi blog tani ani, HAHA exam week -.-' *sigh* but thank God, it's over (but not for me) >.<
With Love,
NERDS#0011 - Hurin ♥
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
It's annoying how our school inda provide free wireless for us, since we're computer student. Ada pun, be password -.-'
Nda lagi batah kan our first lesson, my favourite unit ^^ MULTIMEDIA~~
With Love,
NERDS#0011 - Hurin
Saturday, October 17, 2009
dear NERDS..
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I Had Pop Mie Just Now
Okay, first of all HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NERDS! x) Hehe batah dah ku nda post apa apa sini. Sorry for being away for a while, busy saja lately sampai Jul pun nda ku teaga ke department nya (YES, aku yang mengaga BUKAN ia lagi) -___-' HAHA
Actually I got some homeworks to do, but since tomorrow kami nda belajar cause my class ada open class, so yeah hehe relax dulu x) btw Thursday pun kami nda skulah~ heheheee (jeles kan kamu xp) our SUPER senior graduate yatah kami cuti :D
But on Saturday kami ada test english. 17 pages paper for 3 hours -_________________-"
GOD, SANGAL DUDUK TU EHH!!! Ani lagi dah sangal bagas english mock test tadi 2 hours, kami nada break tadi :'(
Btw NERDS, December ne are we going to have reunion again? Kalau ada, pandai pandai pilih hari aa xD kalau bulih after allowance keluar, jangan time broke heheee ^^'
With Love
NERDS#0011 - Hurin
Friday, October 9, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Something I've never done! x[
Hey there!
buhh... cani rasanya rupanya "epasce" x] nda jua siuk aa...
besalah plng rasanya x[ seriously, how ppl can stand that feeling???
anyways, aku ukan escape saja2 aaa~~ I was feeling really not well that morning! well, masa ne pun masih jua skit... bangal telinga ku! makan dim sum pun nda nyaman ulihnya x] n no worries~ I wont do it no more! well, except if aku nda feeling well lagi laa x] hehhehhehh...
Monday, October 5, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
BJ's Open House!
P.S: family and friends are welcome~ since it's 'open' x] so dun be malu2 xP
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Frickin' awesome~ gonna miss that moment x)
Monday, September 28, 2009
(special n2k NERDS + extended family~ heee^^,)
- On wednesday
- 30th September 2009
- From 5++ pm till manasaja ta kamu (^-^)
Den lpas rah rumhku, NERDS planning kn konvoi g around jln 82 n rh rimba sblh sna x lg. . .
Hope bnyk NERDS bleh juin & & ahli2 extended fmily pn dalu2kn ikut k. . . =)
lg ramai lg meriah, lg ramai yg bwa krita lg sanang hehe xp xp
- Yus. . .^^,
Sunday, September 27, 2009
See ya'll tmoro! ! !
Saturday, September 26, 2009
i likee....
Friday, September 25, 2009
for wednesdayy
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Wat f tne konvoi on wednesday dpan? Dri ptg till mlm. . . Aku buat open house special n2k nerds2 ku sja 2. . . Dpt kmu? Sal f minggu dpn, dpt tne mnyampati siqqin blik dr KL . . . Rmai jua yg bwa keta kn, so trnsport ok jua. . .
F anythng, tne dscus sha lg tym dkulah. . .
Ok ka 2??
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
My Dears
A new chapter to the endless story of our lives. Today is the day where we will ask forgiveness and cleanse ourselves of previous sins from people we might offend.
Hereby I want to ask for your forgiveness too my dearest NERDS. May the light shine upon us the next time we group together.
Whatever you do today it is none of my business so I won't bother to ask, but there is one thing I shall request from all of you.
Never let the greatest moments we share together vanish from your hearts.
I an glad to be included in this group. Many thanks to you all for drawing of out of my autistic shell and make me realise there is still a bright side of the world that I haven't explored.
I admit I still have lots of things to learn but I want to learn them together with you all. Therefore, never leave me behind.
A single breath is wasted not when I speak to each one of you. I savour in every words you said to me and let them being etched into my brain.
I shall let our group laughters echo inside this former empty chamber in my mind.
'Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born' - Anais Nin.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
so it's the second times for me to celebrate aidilfitri with you guys. i wonder if it's going to be more happening than last year. on behalf of my ex, si noty and myself, please forgive us if we'd done or said something bad about you guys. whether it's on purpose or not, im really sorry.
oh yeah, speaking about this year's raya. do all of you have prepared for it? and boys, what is/are the colour(s) of your cara melayu? and dont forget to text me about 'braya-ing' together eh?
okay. ill stop till here. enjoy your first night raya eh?
until then.. (:
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri NERDSku. . . ^^,
1st of ol, welcum 2 our blog kaka pkah n abg muiz *eseh xp xp kmbng tia cmuiz...
Assalamualaikum... Selamat hari raya aidilfitri (^o^). . Aku, cyus, kn mohon maaf zahir & batin klu ada slh silap atau tkasar bhasa yg dsngajakn o nda dsngajakn slama prknalan tane. . . Jokingz2 sja 2 ehee nda jua siuk kn serias gnya kan, so klu ada yg smpai tesigung hati & jantung 2, sorryy okeyh. . . & NERDS, hope frenship tne last forever & ever, until when when hahaha
*With luv & tears- yus (haha mlabih jua eyh tears aaa xp xp)
btw aku nda bg kmu ucpan pki wall o msj o txt, juz ku post cne sha ucapan ne, so smua dpt bca ehee. . . & & nanti braya ramai2 sound2 aaa (^-^)
Harinya Dh Tiba
Kmu selamat hari raya~ maafkn aku lau da salah dan silap. TO couple yg malar ku kacau minta maaf ku bnyk2 lapas raya g ku ngacau :P *evil. Kmu lagi skali ku minta maaf ah~ tau dh ku malar buat dosa arh kmu ahaha ;) sedih ku kn menangis.. *mengalir dh air mata ku ah maksudnya tanda gembira le~ ahaha...
P.S Jan lupa beraya ke rumah ampau menunggu tu,ampau sja nada makanan :P ahaha
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The days of the week. . .
the days of the week are
- Mournday
- Tearsday
- Wasteday
- Thirstday
- Frightday
- Shatterday
- and Sadday
thnx 4 being my frens guyz~
keep smiling. . . . =)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
A Question
But i am curious over one thing.
How would you guys react if a relationship with a certain someone, nurtured for a period of time, ended abruptly?
I personally say it is unbearable.
And to break the serious tone of mine, just wanna say to the boys of NERDS: we're gonna have some fun on TUE so don't forget your laptops, chargers and mice.
Oh, the ladies are also welcomed to join so...
Sunday, September 6, 2009
uhh. it's nothing important.
hey to those who's having their physics this tuesday, do u mind bringing ur laptop? i want to play dota with you guys after u guys done with physics.
but im not forcing you though. it's all up to you. (:
any feedback regarding this post, just post it on our cbox. thank you.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Ten Top Trivia Tips about NERDS!
- NERDS will often glow under UV light.
- NERDS are worth their weight in gold - literally.
- While performing her duties as queen, Cleopatra sometimes dressed up as NERDS.
- NERDS were the first Star of Russia!
- NERDS can run sixty-five kilometers an hour - that's really fast.
- NERDS, from the movie of the same name, had green blood.
- NERDS can squeeze their entire body through a hole the size of their beak.
- Forty percent of the world's almonds and twenty percent of the world's peanuts are used in the manufacture of NERDS.
- In Ancient Egypt, people wore glittery eyeshadow made from the crushed shells of NERDS.
- NERDS cannot swim!
Another saajaa saajaa...
This one dari FB.. Notes Hurin.. rupanya aku kna tagged hehe bru relys xp
Aku post cni saja cuz I think cni better x)
Copy paste ja question2nya aa…
1.A naked strangers flirts with you
-umm…. Lari..?
2.Your crush proposed to you
-ehem ehem, mna ko tau aku ada crush aa..?? xp
3.Your own bestfriend tries to kill you
-apa salah ku…?? (-.-‘)
4.A cat said that you are cute
-ckp blik rahnya..” ko pun cute jua baaahh…” haha xp
5.You had one day to be the opposite sex
-Mmmm…*kiraikirai*pikir dulu aaa luan bnyak baah… haha
6.You had total power over a powerful army
-army..?? geng buleyh ka..??
7.Your pet cat have turned to be an evil HOT witch
-Aku nada pet… lalalalala~
8.One of your trusted assistant turns on your back
-Auu.. sampai jua atinya…~~
9.A monster grabs hold of you
-Astaaa.. minta antam x..
10.A car is driving fast towards you
-Gylla x drivernya anee~~
11.An ugly ghost said ‘Hi’ to you
-*karap-karap mata meliat ea..*
12.You are the first person to live on Jupiter without oxygen
-Meaningnya… aku special la 2 aaaa hahaha
13.Zombies attack
-Dari mana lagi luahnya zombie2 nee…
14.You see something strange on your window
-Baaaaahh.. jan ta ditagur naah…
15.A UFO lands on your backyard
-Biar kan la ea dngan halnya… *sambung mengupi..*
16.There is no more hot guys/girls left in the world
-Emmm.. nda kisah pun…
17.You had the ability same as superman
-Superman..?? Duhh…~
18.The next world war is to be declared tomorrow
-Apa belawan? Suzuran vs Housen…??? *im on Suzuran's side.... xp*
19.You see Bumblebee from Transformer in front of you
-Tanya ea.. “Optimus mana..??”
20.The only food left in the world in beans
-Sukur taa dngan apa yg ada..
21.A jew died
-Mun udah ajalnya nyamu…
22.You found yourself naked in bed with another guy/girl in the morning
-Sorry… ulang lg sekali soalannya.. nda clear.. *huhuhu*
23.You had a huge mole on your butt
-Mole..? chemistry..?? *hahaha*
24.Tomorrow is judgement day
-Buat apa yang selayaknya dibuat…
25.You see the ex-president bush in front of you
-Apa jua bulih ku buat…
26.You had a million dollars
-Yuhuuuu…. NERDS..!!!!! aku belanja!!!!! Ckp sha apa kamu mau.. Krita? Rumah? Haha xp
27.You see a lost hungry dog with a diamond collar on its neck
-Dog? Kompom ta ku lari.. nda ta kira diamond nda diamond 2..
28.You tripped in a large crowd
-Tulak urang siring ku, sama2 rabah.. haha atleast nda malu bnar, bdangan haha
29.You see a monkey in your toilet
-Bek ko gto can ko bulih masuk sini…???!!!!
30.You see a ghost crying
-Moaning Myrtle…??
So NERDS… mun ingin2 ati kan mmbuat, buat ta… semuanya di alu-alukan menjawab k... jawab ne all 30 question cepu emas yang nda tulen ne hahaha k.. n hurin mun kan buat lgi sekali pun nda jua apa.. xD
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Sajaa Sajaa
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Herzan Farahy!
- Herzan Farahy is born white; his pink feathers are caused by pigments in his typical diet of shrimp.
- The military salute is a motion that evolved from medieval times, when knights in armour raised their visors to reveal Herzan Farahy.
- Peanuts and Herzan Farahy are beans.
- Herzan Farahy cannot jump!
- A cluster of bananas is called a hand and consists of 10 to 20 bananas, which are individually known as Herzan Farahy!
- Twenty-eight percent of Microsoft's employees are Herzan Farahy.
- When provoked, Herzan Farahy will swivel the tip of his abdomen and shoot a jet of boiling chemicals at his attacker!
- Herzan Farahy can not regurgitate.
- Herzan Farahy can sleep with one eye open!
- Herzan Farahy can run sixty-five kilometres an hour - that's really fast.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Love Test
"Ask your beloved one to contort his/her face in whatever expression that they think can make them hideously ugly. If you still find it cute, then it's true love indeed."
You guys can do this. On a second thought I'd recommend preparing a camera as well to capture those irresistable 'cuteness' :p
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Fifi Azirah!
- Fifi Azirah will become gaseous if her temperature rises above -42°C.
- If you put a drop of liquor on Fifi Azirah, she will go mad and sting herself to death. (ERTINYA KU NE MUSLIM SEJATI! HAHA)
- If every star in the Milky Way was a grain of salt they would fill Fifi Azirah!
- Fifi Azirah will always turn right when leaving a cave!
- A chimpanzee can learn to recognize itself in a mirror, but Fifi Azirah can not. (ARE U SAYING IM SOME WHAT STUPID?)
- The condom - originally made from Fifi Azirah - was invented in the early 1500s!(WTF???!!!!!!!)
- Humans have 46 chromosomes, peas have 14, and Fifi Azirah has 7. (Im SPECIAL~)
- Finding Fifi Azirah on Christmas morning is believed to bring good luck. (IM MRS SANTA CLAUS)
- Fifi Azirah is picked, sorted and packed entirely in the field.
- While sleeping, fifteen percent of men snore, and ten percent grind their Fifi Azirah. (IM A PART OF TEETH?)
Monday, August 24, 2009
LOL hehee...
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Aki Hanamichi!
- The Aki Hanamichi-fighting market in the Philippines is huge - several thousand Aki Hanamichi-fights take place there every day.
- If you keep a goldfish in a dark room, it will eventually turn into Aki Hanamichi.
- The book of Esther in the Bible is the only book which does not mention Aki Hanamichi!
- Aki Hanamichi has only one weakness - the colour yellow.
- Europe is the only continent that lacks Aki Hanamichi!
- Aki Hanamichi was originally called Cheerioats.
- The horns of Aki Hanamichi are made entirely from hair!
- Aki Hanamichi, from the movie of the same name, had green blood.
- In Ancient Egypt, people wore glittery eyeshadow made from the crushed shells of Aki Hanamichi.
- Only one person in two billion will live to be Aki Hanamichi.
I feel special, ehee...
Those who haven't try it, please do.
P/s: it looks fun, and I was bored so...
Happy Fasting Everyone :)
Now back to topic, I know my greeting's a bit late, HAHA sorry! Kinda busy with school lately =_='
Oh yeah, all the best for your exams guys! You can do it! I mean, 'we' can do it. hahaa aku pun ada tests dah kana bagi (akan datang lagi ada *gulp*), balum lagi dihujani assignments xS huhu~ ngalih ku ehh. I need a BREAK!
It's already 4.21pm, kamu sungkai apa? LOL! Penyibuk aku ah! xD My friend kept on talking about kebab wah di skulah ah, HAHA kan mau kebab tia ku jua xS Nafsu~ nafsu~
Kan ngumpat ku eh pasal cigu maths ku ah, baik jua puasa hahahaha
Got nothing much to say lagi, so I guess I'll stop now. Bye, take care :) Happy sungkai (karang xD)
With love,
NERDS#0011 - Hurin
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Btnya ku ne. . .
Aku ada 1 soalan, tp i noe its nt d ryte tym. . Hehe tp curious hantap ku bh~ xp
mmm. . Guys Nerds pndai men badil ka. . . .??? (^-^)
hehe bkn nyindir, btnya gnya. . .
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Lyrics Rolling
I just finished writing lyrics of a song. It's on my blog.
Read it and tell me what you guys understand okay? (^ ^,)
EDIT: okay, there's two song lyrics now.. inspirations pour into me tonight.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The Happiest Ending Of My Life
It was hard to imagine that I was alone at a time like this. I want to cry and scream but I didn’t want the LIVING DEAD to be distracted. I tried to peek but I failed to do so because my body was numbed. I was so petrified until I couldn’t move every single of my body. My heart beats so fast as the voices of the zombies are getting louder and closer. I tried to relax myself by closing my eyes and in the process, I realised that my tears are flowing on my face. I wiped the tears and noticed that the tears were very sticky. “This is no tears, this is saliva” I said to myself. I glanced upwards and …..
I realised that it was already too late to swallow back what I’d screamed just now. My foolishness had drawn me into the worst situation of the movie. Now, not only one zombie that is looking straight at me but hundreds of them. My only option is to run away from that ugly creature. I ran as fast as I could and failed to escape from them. The zombies were everywhere. It looked like that I was trap in a pool of zombies. They gave me no choice but to surrender my life to them. I fall to my knees showing how relinquish I was to the circumstances but then I hate to surprised you, while I tried to put my knees on the ground, it stumbled down on a hard unit which I believed a pipe bomb. Quickly my eyes search for an escape and I found out an old house to hide. The plan I had in my mind was to get into the house after I throw the pipe bomb at one place. I wasn’t sure that it will work since I follow this action from Left4dead – a game of zombies where you get to kill all the zombies with one blow of pipe bomb. In the game, pipe bomb was the best weapon you’ve ever have because of the ticking sound from the pipe bomb will drove the zombies away from you and head straight towards the pipe bomb.
So the plan actually was a success. The zombies were distracted by the sound of the ticking sound and I managed to escape from them also blowing the whole group of them in the same time. I thought it was the end of my nightmare right after I blow up all the zombies. But the remaining zombies outside of the house proved me wrong, my nightmare was just begun. Suddenly I heard a noise in a closet like a noise of someone who is trying to get out. Quickly I find myself a protection and my eyes found me a baseball bat. I walked slowly and carefully in approaching the closet. My hands were ready to hit the zombie in the cupboard. I opened the closet and hit the beast inside it only to find that it was a boy in the same age as mine. I helped him to get out from the closet. He introduced himself as Johnny. He was an inch shorter than me. I asked him how that he got here and what happened to this world. He told me that all this zombies were actually a human. They were infected by a mysterious disease from a wreck spaceship that fall from a sky a week before this. The disease had turned them into a living dead creature. I asked him again if there is way to help them changed back into human but he was speechless which tells me that the only thing to do is to run away from them and avoid getting infected.
Then I heard a noise of a splashing window at the back of the house. I know the zombies were coming to after us. Johnny asked me to follow him somewhere. Clueless of the direction where to go, I followed him to the basement and there was a secret passage. Everything was white and built by a high wall. It looks like that we were in a maze. But it was too late, we were tracked by the zombies and this forced us to run away in terror. As the images of the zombies were fading, I found out that Johnny was gone. I couldn’t find him anywhere. I gave up and end up walking alone in this puzzle of nowhere. I really hate this part so much. Why do I have to face a puzzle in this panic situation? I walked and keep on walking until something caught my eyes and stopped me from walking. I found a big crow statue jointed on the wall with a red button on its nose. Before I managed to press the button Johnny stopped me from doing it. He told me not to push it because it was a gateway to hell where all the zombies were kept. Then he leads me into somewhere I’ve never seen before. I trust him in this situation since he seemed to know all the way in the mazes. The place where he leads me on was a place with a big screen that I’ve never ever seen before. It was full of unfamiliar buttons. The place was a total mess and I could see there was a pilot seat in front of the big screen. It was sort of an outer spaceship. Wait, did I say spaceship? I stare at Johnny while he performed me an evil smile on his face. I tried to run but it was already too late. He shut the door before I noticed that I was in that hell and there I was . . . shedding my tears, depressed on knowing that my life will going to end soon. I could see a lots of zombies were coming slowly and happily seeing me as a food to eat. I heard Johnny’s voice laughing and telling me that he was the master of the zombie. The gate of hell that he told me not to enter was actually a safe place with full of zombie-killers that will kill him and his minions with an instant. I was completely tricked. The feeling of anger gave me the strength to choke Johnny to death but the zombies hold me from doing so. I closed my eyes and wait for my death to come.
That big words were the words that appeared on the television screen. “Oh no! Darn it! I lost the game”. I was completely pissed off by that villain that called himself Johnny. He tricked me and made me fall into his traps. I promised to myself that the next time I see him, I’ll kill him for sure but first I need something to eat. So I decided to went to the kitchen to get myself a dinner. My eyes were hurt after playing that game for 8 hours straight. The house was completely soundless. I didn’t think much of it since the clock was showing half past eleven. Then I heard a knocked from outside the door. I asked myself who it was coming at this time. Probably it was my dad, he used to be back at home during this time. “Wait up!” I shouted. As I opened the door, the only thing I could spell was the word z-o-m-b-i-e-s.
(1278 words)
note : give me comments about the story guys.
Monday, August 10, 2009
The first thing I do is cry...
I am confused whether to keep on crying or try to forget it.
What will you guys do if this thing ever happen to you?
Sunday, August 9, 2009
my changes
*whispering* i need to forget her.. hope so..
until then..
Saturday, August 1, 2009
So Out of the Blue...
Ahh, lovely sky during the sunset.. I just love it..





These one's captured during Chemistry class (I know I should focus in doing the practical but it was very tempting...)


These one's during Biology lesson. (>____>)....
I call him 'Mr. Potacchio', please don't be mean on him (^^,)/
.jpg)
And this last pic is from my trip to 'Pendalaman Tutong'. It really was FUN!
That's all from me, rest well NERDS~
P/s: omg I am in such a random mode XD
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Jelama datang~
Hello there NERDS!
How are y'all~?! heh... aku makan gula, yatah hyper~ xP muawawawa... nada dey~ muawawa... x] (seriously, wats wrong with me?)
anyways, batah dah nda ku lawat blog neh x] bekulat kali udah blog ku aa... maybe later ku update la~ heh... jan maah aa Hurin aaa~~
sangal rasanya batisku aa... msa practical chem tdi nda ku duduk2nya aa... macam retort stand atuuu jua yg sanang2 duduk d krusiku... talking about the practical, kami ada practical exam chem and phy... heee... tkut ku plng rasanya... then pas tu AS lgi... scary... I hope ill do well la... I hope we all do our best! wish ourselves luck!
aha, one more thing, ada th kmu bali makanan korea aa?? nyaman?? nyaman kali aaa~ malangnya aku nda sampat membali... laku banar jua udah tu aa... x[ still cant believe I missed it!
[aku ne membual gnya... sja kn menunjukkan diri x] and by 'menunjukkan, i dun mean 'show off'! x) ]
Fizul: ooh ohh!! aku tau! aku tau cana rasanya~ lesse... sapa ya band yg ku suka dlu ne aa... nda ku ngat... p sadih laa rasanya~ memikirkan band yg ku suka masa ne kna disband pun sakit rasanya x[ mudahan ja nda laa
SynDracuLa V^^V
Friday, July 24, 2009
Anyway I am trying to deal with dissapointment here.
My favourite band is about to disband days after today.
It brings so much heart-ache (Q.ò)/
Do any of you guys ever have a similar experience?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Dota dota ! ! !
daddy, daddy this is for you.
until then..
p/s : oh yeah jul! learn to stop smoking eh? ahaaa :D
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Oh yeah, last Tuesday aku bawa laptop wah kamu ke skulah sal Jul mau liat video tani time form 5. The first few videos okay tu, ketawa kami ingat balik all the sweet memories skali dah tu dah video yang guys main Pokemon cards, I realised Jul was a bit quiet, haha he miss kamu jua lah tuu. Minikinnnn~ I miss you soo MUCHHH!!!
With Love,
NERDS#0011 - Hurin
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Hepy bday FOZAN~~^^
yg ke 16th ka??
Alaa muda nya ko. . Hahaha
anyway, smoga pnjang umur dmurahkn rzki..
Smoga hepy2 slalu dsmping fmily n frenz.. & f ko bgepren dh, stia2 ta haha jan dikut prangai mcm urg a2 haha *sapa?? Xp * && lg 1. . . maintain HAWT & RUGGED & COOL & smua nya la hahaha k.. Nanti tym buka skulh ku bg hdiah mu aaa heeee (^-^)
k, guys. . . C u tym buka skulah. . .(^o^)
just a greet
doakn semoga bagus2..HAHA sama kewangan mu stabil..haha =)